Let’s work together.

The magic begins here…


An intentional connected relaxation breath & meditation in a group setting

When breathing intentionally we have the ability to shift our state, Your breath is an exclusive pass to self exploration & energy alchemy. Inhale is a slow coherence breath experience that will bring you out of your busy mind into the body, experience relaxation inner calm & connecting you deeply into your heart.

Fortnightly classes - Sunday night

7.30pm - 8.30pm AEST via Zoom

$33 per session

Or 6 sessions for $111

“Own who the fuck you are”


Intuitive healing & Energy medicine

This is an intuitive energetic healing session.

Working in person or through distance, time & space from anywhere in the world.

We will spend the first 15 Minutes of the session with exploration into what is currently happening in your realms.

There are many ways in which external energy factors contribute to us feeling density within the body, trapped energy can make us feel tired, sluggish, weighed down, emotional baggage causing mental fatigue or pain in our physical vessel.

In this session we work with the energy centres, spiritual & auric body. We clear stagnant debris, cut cords, release hooks, clear & work through any underlying trauma in your field. This can include past life tethers attached to our field.

Energy & light codes filter through your entire being as I am guided through the clearing & healing. I will work through your bodies layers to bring balance into your physical being to allow optimal energy flow. This session finished with an auric repair & sealing.

At the end of the session I will provide messages & any healing transmissions that come through for you with a personalised intuitive prescription for support.

$222 - 90 mins

Add a personalised intuitive ritual oil, This tincture will be created specifically for you & your needs.

$50 - 30ml

Akashic Journey

Accessing your personal Akashic Records allows access to the history of your soul across all time and space through your entire existence.


We explore your souls lifetimes, missions, contracts & receive messages for this earthly incarnation.

In this space we will explore the origin of your karma from the source.

Unwind the feeling and cellular memory locked into your DNA that carry any blocks & emotional entanglements.

Clear any repeating patterns, karma, past life, inner child & cord attachments.

$222 - 90mins

Breath medicine


Breathing, energy healing & individualised breakthrough session. Guided through a beautiful & grounding meditation to anchor you into your space, followed by intentional breathing to move through your layers & crevices to transmute and release any stuck energy.

You will receive intuitive healing & guidance to assist with moving stuck energy from your body which may include tapping, touch & movement.

Reconnect with yourself through, feel clarity, peace & come back to LOVE.

1 x session $222 (120 minutes)

 Journey with Alyse Louise

Exhale Breath Medicine

“The body remembers what the mind forgets.”

EXHALE is a transformational journey through the power of the breath. As we breath in a connected way we access our bodies own innate healing power. When we breath in this deep state we enter altered consciousness which enables us to start unlocking the emotions, traumas and energy that have been suppressed & stored so you can feel, heal & reclaim your power. Your breath has the power to enhance your overall physical, emotional & spiritual well-being bringing you back to a life of love, joy & vitality.

The benefits of breathing:

*Balance the nervous system

*Increased energy

*Emotional clearing

*Reduce stress, depression & anxiety

*Release sadness, anger & fear

*Reduce pain & inflammation

*Prevention of disease

*Improved sleep

*Increase in connection to consciousness & intuition

*Bring you back to the heart & into your body

*Cultivating love for life & for the self

*Reprogram the brain & create new neural pathways

Inside the EXHALE experience I intertwine intentional energy medicine & clearing throughout the session to help assist & release the stuck energy as it presents through your body. Together we feel, heal & reclaim your power. Breathing in EXHALE is a container where you feel supported, held & seen. A safe place to breath & breakthrough, and permission to surrender & let go. Allow me to hold you while you peel through the layers.

I am right here, breathing with you.

Heal, Breakthrough & Transform

A guided & supported journey

A 6 week transformational journey to break free from the cycles and repeating patterns in your life. Move through the fear, sadness, anger that keeps holding you back from living and cultivating a life that feels so unbelievably FREE; by reconnecting with yourself through the breath.

Every session you are met with coaching, support, meditation, breathing & healing which will allow you to breakthrough to a life that is filled with peace, love & bliss.


6 x 2 hour sessions



12 x 2 hour sessions

For you:

Fortnightly breathing sessions with integrative support

Personal support via WhatsApp

Weekly accountability exercises

Access to INHALE classes for 6 months

(Book a 30 min discovery call)

**Sessions held via Zoom**

Soul Unique

"Our soul is the sacred essence within us; our deepest purpose, our unique meaning, the guiding force behind our individual life"

In todays society we are presented with many conditions, expectations, limitations that has us feeling boxed in & powerless.

Through life we become detached from our souls blueprint as we navigate the human life.

Through this 12 week experience I guide you through the remembering, so you can recognise your own soul gifts & claim back your power in this lifetime.

We explore your uniqueness & free yourself from any cycles, shackles, entanglements & limitations that restrict you from living life more fully & freely.

This is a merge of our worlds to create a life that feels harmonious & balanced.

“A union of our realms through the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies”

This is no cookie cutter approach, this is an individual journey and a discovery of your multi dimensionality, a map of your unique blueprint

& deeply activating experience that intertwining astrology, human design, numerology as well as working directly with your spirit, guides & in the quantum field.

This journey requires deep inner work, radical responsibility & bold moves.

This journey is about sitting in the places that feel uncomfortable, but knowing you are so held.

Let's clear the way, get connected so you can live a life more intuitively & freely.


Let's unlock you unique codes & wisdom.

Your highest calling awaits you!

Reclaim yourself NOW

12 x 90 minute weekly guided activation sessions

Personal support via WhatsApp (Private access to me)

Accountability exercises

Access to INHALE breathing classes for 6 months

(Book a 30 min discovery call)

**Sessions held via Zoom**

Client Love


Alyse is a powerful wise woman that embodies everything she does. My experience was deep, somatic & healing. The work, the space held before and after is beyond magical and rare to find. Alyse has powerful connections with the unseen world and channels incredible magic in her journeys. It’s hard to put into words the experience because its beyond this realm. Cords were cut & healing was had. Deepest gratitude for your work.


When I think of Alyse there are a lot of words that come to mind.. magical, spiritual, intuitive, beautiful, kind, comforting, supportive, wise.. just to name a few. My experience with her has been so insightful and therapeutic. She has provided me with freat clarity in so many areas of my life through her readings, intuition and wisdom. The spiritual and reflective exercises she has guided me through have given me a stronger feeling of peace, courage and self love.

Amanda June

Alyse holds a potent and powerful set of tools which she weaves brilliantly together for healing & activation. Yes, she is a healer, a medicine woman, a shaman but most importantly she is an exceptional human being. She walks you tenderly through deeply healing processes which is such a gift. She is a kindred spirit, a shining light, and a cherish friend whom i am forever grateful to know and witness as she shares her medicine of heart & soul. Her blending of medicine is a journey to wholeness - to know thy self - There is no greater guide for this journey home than Alyse.


Alyse changed my life. I signed up for an Akashic record reading and ended up with so much more than I could ever imagine. I knew I was meant to do something more with my life, but I didn't know what it was. She saw the blocks that were weighing me down (physically) and opened my eyes to the gifts and potential that is within me. She gave me the tools to reclaim my power. I am so grateful for her magical energy and healing work she did on me. I came to this reading confused and lonely. Alyse tailored the reading to answer my concerns and provide the clarity I needed. This session has ignited a fire in me and as a result I am embodying a new identity. She is a highly intuitive, kind, compassionate, and loving soul. My heart is so full of gratitude. I cannot thank her enough. If you have been called to this beautiful soul, don't question it. Just book a session with her. She will change your life too.


The woman is authentic, raw and unapologetically in her own - which is inspiring and uplifting to others. She shares her gifts and talents to uplift others.


Alyse is such a raw, beautiful, authentic soul oozing with divine goddess energy. She is a master at tapping into the universal energies and hearing the messages that need to be shared for the collective as well as any person she is connecting with. The energy reading I had with her was such a gift and helped to guide me in making a huge decision at a turning point in my life. She has so much warmth and wisdom in her words and holds space in the most loving ways. She is a spiritual powerhouse not only offering intuitive readings, but also helping others with reiki, breathwork, Akashic readings, and more. I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with her, to experience her divine talents, and to be in the presence of the gorgeous essence she embodies. So grateful!


I found myself drawn to Alyse via a visceral knowing from a place i didn’t understand at first. Our connection extends lifetimes which has gifted me the most incredible ability to deeply heal and transmute generations of trauma and chains. Alyse’s ability to channel the depths of my human soul and exquisitely offer the wisdom offered to her via my higher self, soul & guides is medicine i will never be able to do without. Human words fail to adequately capture and articulate what she has been able to heal and bring forward from within me. It is a deeply felt and embodied experience and for that will not ever be able to recommend her enough. Alyse gifts transmute and offer lifetimes of generational, emotional, spiritual and physical healing. She is a gift of rare & channeled magic.
