Meet Alyse Louise

Since has far back as I can remember, I had this sense of wonder.

There was always this knowing within me that knew there was something far bigger than my little human could comprehend. There was more than what my eyes could see, what my ears could hear, and what I could feel. I felt energy, and could intuitively pick up on things within people, places and situations before they were made apparent in the physical world.

I was obsessed with the ancient lands, witches, magic, the cosmos, aliens & paranormal. I was the daydreamer, the truth seeker, and was always looking for the answers to the big questions. And the biggest question; “why am I here?”

Growing up I have many experiences that offered contrasts and wisdom’s to answer this question. From not fitting in at school, feeling very misunderstood, trying to go with the grain and squash myself into a box of what society expected of me, leading to over a decade of “colourful” & “numbing” years in my late teens and 20’s.

These experiences were all guiding me back to myself; though a “catalyst moment” where the universe offered a new route. At the time it felt painful, confusing, and ultimately caused my marriage, my physical body & health to suffer immensely.

The universe gave me all the signs & my world turned upside down and I hit rock bottom, and only I could be the one to save myself.

This was when my own '“spiritual” journey began, I learnt how to heal myself from the inside out, and I catalysed the path of what my soul signed up to do in this lifetime here. The darkest experiences have all been the greatest gift, as through them all is how I finally accessed my magic, and here I am now living & breathing it.

I now work intuitively with a variety of techniques and modalities to support people around the globe, creating deep and lasting change in their lives.

I work with the field of the whole human working with them through the emotional, spiritual & soul levels to help them with their physical & mental experience by bringing light to the energetic load.

I don’t like labels or to box myself as I evolve & my experience is ever changing. I am a Medicine woman with a set of tools that include trauma informed breath & meditation facilitator, Ancestral healing & Family systems, Somatic enquiry, Karmic fieldwork, Intuitive energy healer, Akashic records, Reiki Master teacher, Guide & Activator.

Through my modalities its my aim to reconnect my clients to their body & HEART/SOUL, To harmonise and bring balance to the MIND, BODY & SPIRIT.

My mission is to empower, dance with their duality, to embody & embrace all their aspects of who they are FULL SPECTRUM, the light and the dark, through love and acceptance as they come back home to their truest nature and their own sacred soul journey here on earth.

I cannot wait to connect with you, to activate & guide you in the journey of coming home to yourself.

A reclamation of self & to the magic that is you!